(Photo Courtesy of Google Images}
People Magazine recently
named Gwyneth Paltrow “The Worlds Most Beautiful Woman” in an issue dated April
4, 2013. Given the massive amount of
backlash the magazine received for having made this assessment, it is safe to
assume the old adage still stands: Beauty is (indeed) in the eye of the
beholder. That being said, there are
other factors which, standing apart from personal preference, play a
significant role in how we as a society define beauty. These factors are known as trends.
In much the same way as the
fashion industry, the beauty industry is a revolving door of trends -
constantly changing and imposing upon our perception of what is beautiful. Every decade brings about new a new challenge
that we either revolt against (think 1960’s hippie chic and free love) or find
opportunity in (the working women and power suits of the 1980’s), resulting in
an inevitable shift in how we, as women, wish to be perceived. The women we
idolize as having successfully lived-up to the challenge by portraying
themselves in a manner that is congruent to the current shift in trends become
the new faces of beauty...at least for a given decade.
Over the past five decades,
beauty trends have come and gone and, on occasion, have come back again. With every transition, the image we hold in our
heads of the ideal woman has been tweaked and the woman we long to look more
like changes. The following women
represent this evolution of beauty.
Farrah Fawcett – 1970’s
{Photo Courtesy of Google Images}
There was an effortlessness
that accompanied the beauty of the 70s – at least during daylight hours. Still reeling from the hippie phase of the
late 60’s, a slender frame accentuated with slight curves and a sun-kissed glow
was the sought after look. Farrah
perfected it all.
Michelle Pfieffer – 1980’s
{Photo Courtesy of Google Images}
The women of the 80’s wanted
it all. It was no longer enough to be slim,
women needed to be toned as well. Strong, natural brows accompanied by shocking
make up shades and overdone hair were common place, but the women that could
remove it all and still demand our attention stood out above the crowd. Insert, Michelle Pfiefer.
Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss – 1990’s
{Photos Courtesy of Google Images}
The 90’s were the decade of
the super model. Cindy Crawford, a
gorgeous brunette with a strong, athletic and curvy build represented what most
women (and men) perceived at the time as absolute perfection. However, there was also another beauty trend
on the rise. The desire to be fit was
slowly being replaced with a desire to be extremely thin. Kate Moss, a waifish blonde beauty was a
pioneer of this dangerous beauty ideal.
Angelina Jolie – 2000’s
{Photo Courtesy of Google Images}
The beginning of a new era
pushed everything to the limits. Long
legs, thin arms, impossibly slight frames and voluptuous breasts were all
equally coveted. However, the reality
was that apart from a select few such as Angelina Jolie, the majority of women
could never attain such a radical perception of beauty without pricey enhancements. Hence, this decade also saw a large rise in
the number of women opting for cosmetic surgery.
Beyoncé – Today
{Photo Courtesy of Google Images}
While most women today still
would prefer a smaller waistline, there seems to be a much greater emphasis on
the importance of overall health in terms of beauty. Such may be why People chose Gwyneth Paltrow
as this year’s Most Beautiful. Here new
book “It’s All Good” boasts about the benefits of a lifestyle that excludes
itself from anything which may be considered harmful to ones body – meat,
sugar, sun – you name it, its out! However, a more agreeable selection would
likely be last year’s chart topper, Beyoncé. Her incredibly toned physic,
noticeable curves, glowing skin and seemingly well-rounded lifestyle are
without question the new face of beauty.*
*This article was featured in the July 2013 issue of Bello Mag and may also be viewed here: http://issuu.com/outnext/docs/bello48/125?e=1159494/3878518